CT Scan

Computerized Tomography (CT) uses a combination of x-ray techniques and computer technology to provide highly detailed images of internal structures. The CT scanner uses an x-ray source similar to that used to obtain ordinary chest x-rays, however, the x-ray beam is so tightly focused that portions of the body outside of the scanned region get relatively little x-ray exposure.

The CT scanner acquires multiple thin “slices” through the portion of the body requested. Depending on the part of the body scanned, between 20 and 1000 separate slices will be generated. Most studies are completed within about 15 to 20 minutes. The acquired information is processed by a computer and then made available to the radiologist for interpretation.

CT Contraindications & Screening

For certain CT studies, the use of intravenous dye (contrast) is required. Patients meeting the conditions listed below will need to have their BUN and Creatinine (blood test) measured before they can be scanned.

  • Over 60 years of age
  • Diabetic
  • Have chronic kidney disease – including nephrectomy patients
  • Multiple Myeloma patients

Patient Preparation

There is usually no preparation required unless the CT scan is of the Abdomen or Pelvis. For those studies, the patient must obtain two doses of oral contrast and a prep sheet with instructions for the exam from Sugar Mill Diagnostic Imaging. After arriving at our office for the exam, the patient will receive an additional dose of oral contrast. This oral contrast improves the visualization of the gastrointestinal tract on CT studies.


There is usually no preparation required unless the CT scan is of the Abdomen or Pelvis. For those studies, the patient must obtain two doses of oral contrast and a prep sheet with instructions for the exam from Sugar Mill Diagnostic Imaging. After arriving at our office for the exam, the patient will receive an additional dose of oral contrast. This oral contrast improves the visualization of the gastrointestinal tract on CT studies.

Contrast Studies

Frequently, CT requires IV contrast for an optimum study. For those CT examinations, a non-ionic contrast agent is injected intravenously to aid in diagnosis. If the patient has a strong allergic history or has experienced a reaction to contrast material during a previous study, the patient should be pre-medicated on the day before and morning of the CT exam. The intravenous contrast (dye) evaluate the blood vessels and enhance regions of abnormality as well as demonstrate function of organs.

To schedule an appointment or discuss your imaging needs, contact Sugar Mill Diagnostic Imaging today or call us @ 352-628-9900.

Citrus County FL Diagnostic Imaging

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